We Miss Masterchef
We no longer know what to do with ourselves at 7.30pm each night now that Masterchef has finished. As a family we loved to watch the show together and cheer on our favourites. Rhianna saw the promo for Junior Masterchef and is convinced that she will be entering next time round.
She has driven me balmy talking about her "signature"dish and her "core" ingredient which funnily enough is chocolate.
She was determined to start this week and has so far managed to cook Chocolate Pancakes for everybody for afternoon tea. She did it entirely herself and the results were quite good. She is learning terms like sift and fold so it's a great learning curve for her.
A vintage 1970's breadbox and a 1950's vintage eiderdown for Rhianna's bed. These are so much warmer than doonas.
The pillow you can see on her bed was made by my Mum using all my Nanas linen and lace hankerchieves as the insert on the middle panel. I love to walk into Rhianna's room and see vintage lovelies and reminders of my family. Much nicer than a Barbie Doona set.
I love vintage items as well. I go to ebay and search almost daily. The town I live in doesn't really have a vintage shop, so I'm stuck with online searches.
And I love chocolate pancakes. I usually make regular pancakes, and then when they are cooking I drop several chocolate chips in them. Yum! Shredded coconut is another great addition to pancakes. They remind me of macaroons.
August you are better off hunting online for vintage than going to a vintage "shop" anyway as they overcharge for very poor quality items I have found.
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