Saturday, September 18, 2010

Frugal Friday Fun

Due to Rhianna still being ill, I have not had the time or inclination to go out grocery shopping.

It's now Friday night and I refuse to give in and buy take away.

I have a quick flick through the old recipe books and what do I spy:: A recipe for which I actually have all the ingredients - in the house - already. It's like a recipe mirage.

I quickly get myself into the kitchen before I am tempted to dial for Thai. Bill always says I cook with gusto...which is his polite way of saying I make a huge mess. But I don't think it's too bad. See below....

I have the recipe for a bacon and egg pie with old fashioned pastry. Sounds yummy. Before I really get into it, Bill pours me a wine and produces some yummy cheese and crackers to get me in the cooking mood.... and he wonders why I cook gusto.

I'd like to see him roll out some pastry with a couple of reds in him.

As you can see, I am enjoying the cooking immensely - especially the bit where I take a bit of cab sav inspiration.

Here is the pie just before it hits the oven. I am so proud of it. Not because it's any great culinary masterpiece but because I've managed to produce a meal for everybody on the smell of an oily rag.

A bit of cheese on the top - it's not in the recipe but grated cheese never hurt any meal I've ever eaten.

Now, while it's cooking we turn on our newest find - a retro radio. We find some old love songs on a radio station that I think maybe about 50 people listen to. A quick waltz or two around the lounge room and dinner is ready.

Tah -da.

Everybody liked it. It was quick and easy and I actually enjoyed trying something new.
Have a great weekend if you're reading this.


Libby said...

That pie looks great. I've always been too scared to make my own pastry. Glad it turned out well and that everyone enjoyed it. My DH offered to bring in something last night but we'd had pizza on Friday night. Instead I baked I whole heap of cut up veggies which we had with some tofu. Easy and yum! And much better for us than takeaway :-).


Vanessa said...

Absolutely Libby