Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Kitchen Decluttering
After much procrastination the kitchen declutter has been completed. This, as it turned out was not the huge task I was anticipating. I do love to cook and bake and most purchases in the kitchen have been worthwhile.

There were some things I had purchased from Tupperware parties that had to go and a mountain of recipes torn out of magazines that had to be culled and put into a folder but other than that not much at all.

Now, decluttered does not mean clean - this is a much larger job that I will tackle in autumn.

Other projects I want to accomplish in the kitchen this year are a compost waste container situated on the bench, better cupboard organisation and I want to start a pantry stockpile.


libby said...

Well done!!! Look great. I'm like you in that being organised takes priority over being clean :-). I recently did my kitchen (including the big clean!) but still need to do my recipes.


Vickie said...

Can you come to Texas and take care of my kitchen?

Vanessa said...

Yes Libby The decluttering is the easy part, getting in and cleaning those cupboards is the daunting bit.

Vanessa said...

Oh Vickie, I would LOVE to come to your little kitchen, so far it is my favourite kitchen in the world.